“Bear Bryant” Written by E.S. Smith (Copyright 1994)
A freely discarded book by the Worcester Public Library, Worcester, Massachusetts, In 2015.
According to the E.S.Smith, Bear Bryant was a giant of a man and said by many to be the greatest football coach of all time. He retired as head football coach of the University of Alabama only a month before his death early in 1983, fulfilling his own jesting prophecy that without football he’d be dead in a few weeks.
Bear Bryant left his mark on the University of Maryland, Kentucky, and also Texas A & M but it was at the University of Alabama, where he coached for twenty-five (25) years that he felt most at home. He had amassed 323 victories and 17 ties and had 5 national championships, more than anyone else at that time. Some of his players became great quarterbacks and players such as George Blanda, Joe Namath, Ken Stapler, and Richard Todd. It is well written and easy to read. If you like historical sports stories you may find this book to be very uplifting.